Public Notice: ANCC Magnet Recognition Program® seeks public feedback. Learn more here.

A Full Spectrum of Diabetes Services at St. Joseph’s/Candler

Basic Diabetes Education

This program includes one-on-one sessions for type one and type two patients with diabetes. A specific plan of care and individualized patient goals are developed. Education sessions provide information on self-management skills for those living with diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes Education

This program includes one-on-one sessions with a registered nurse, registered dietitian and certified diabetes educators for intensive, personalized instruction on gestational diabetes, nutrition, glucose monitoring and insulin administration with care during pregnancy.

Insulin Pump Education

This program focuses on individualized instruction from a registered nurse, registered dietitian and certified diabetes educators for insulin pump therapy education. Intense, personalized education includes carbohydrate counting, insulin pump operations, and all aspects of day-to-day living with an insulin pump.

Juvenile Diabetes Education

This unique educational series is geared specifically toward children, teens and their families. We provide one-on-one sessions with the a certified multidisciplinary team. Using an age-specific curriculum, creative resources and tools are used to teach children and their families skills to self-manage diabetes.

Contact the Diabetes Management Team

St. Joseph's/Candler Center for Diabetes Management
5356 Reynolds Street, Suite 120 (Heart & Lung Building)
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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Meet the team at St. Joseph's/Candler

Our team of highly-skilled doctors are experienced in many aspects of healthcare from primary care to emergent care to specialty care. Find a physician that meets your needs.

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