Or, you can call us at 912-748-1999.
Our Physicians
Our physicians in the Pooler office are Dr. Nolan Brackenrich, Dr. Andrew Mrugala and Dr. Lawrence Zottoli.
Additionally, we have a nurse practitioner that sees patients, Caitlin Young.

Dr. Nolan Brackenrich

Dr. Andrew Mrugala

Dr. Lawrence Zottoli

Caitlin Young, NP
To view your medical records, log in here.
Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Please give us 24-hour notice of appointment cancellation. We will see you as promptly as possible, but emergencies may cause delays. Our automated system will provide a reminder call two days before your appointment.
Contact Us
St. Joseph's/Candler Primary Care in Pooler
101 St. Joseph's/Candler Drive, Suite 200
Pooler, GA 31322
Telephone: 912-748-1999
Fax: 912-748-3847