The LCRP Breast Cancer Surgical Team
The Breast Cancer Surgical Team at the Nancy N. and J.C. Lewis Caner & Research Pavilion is a group of five board-certified surgeons dedicated to working with our cancer specialists to treat breast cancer patients quickly. In fact, our surgeons can
usually meet with a patient on the day of diagnosis.
If you or a loved one is facing breast cancer, call our Central Referral Office at 912-819-3360 to get a referral to one of our breast
cancer surgeons.
Surgical Participation Agreement
The surgeons on the Breast Team have all entered into a Surgical Rotation Participation Agreement with St. Joseph’s/Candler. This means if a patient gets a positive breast cancer diagnosis from the Telfair Pavilion, any SJ/C Imaging Center or the Mobile Mammography Unit the surgeon next in rotation agrees to see the patient within five business days.

The Lewis Cancer & Research Pavilion again has earned a three year accreditation from the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers, administered by the American College of Surgeons and is the first and only national accreditation program to specifically focus on breast disease.
Surgical Breast Cancer Treatments
During this surgical procedure, the tumor and cancerous tissue inside the breast is removed, while leaving the rest of the breast attached. Occasionally, surrounding lymph nodes will also be removed. Because of new technology in the surgical field, the survival rate of patients who undergo lumpectomies is equal to that of the patients who receive a mastectomy.
This procedure is the surgical removal of the entire breast. Because of the size, type or depth of certain cases, a mastectomy is sometimes the optimal choice to prevent cancer from returning. After your mastectomy, we welcome you to visit our Transformation Station center for breast prosthetic options.
Double Mastectomy
This is the removal of both breasts either because breast cancer is found in both breasts or as a preventive measure.
Learn more about breast surgery in our Living Smart blog.